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Final Crash

click this link to see this app's short intro video on Youtube.

  • Final Crash is a car racing game, push the pedal to the metal and go as fast as possible to win this exciting rally.

  • Final Crash est un jeu de course automobile, poussez la pédale jusqu'au métal et allez aussi vite que possible pour gagner ce rallye passionnant.

  • Final Crash是一款赛车游戏,将踏板推向金属并尽可能快地赢得这场激动人心的集会。

  • Final Crash是一款賽車遊戲,將踏板推向金屬並儘可能快地贏得這場激動人心的集會。

  • Final Crashカーレースゲームです。ペダルを金属に押し込み、できるだけ速く走ってこのエキサイティングなラリーに勝ちます。

Final Crash: Welcome

Technologies Used

1. Swift 4, iOS 11, Xcode 9
2. SceneKit Framework. SceneKit is a high-level 3D graphics framework that helps you create 3D animated scenes and effects in your apps.
3. StoreKit Framework. StoreKit supports in-app purchases and interactions with the App Store.
4. AVFoundation Framework. AVAudioPlayer is part of the AVFoundation framework, which I use to manipulate background musics.
5. Sketch. Sketch is a vector graphics editor, which I use to build game textures.
6. Blender. Blender is a free and open-source 3D computer graphics software toolset used for creating animated films, visual effects, art, 3D printed models, interactive 3D applications and video games.

Final Crash: Text

Final Crash is an awesome 3D car racing game.
copyright 2019 De Zheng. All Rights Reserved.

Final Crash: Who We Are
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